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    Indiangrass - Lometa

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      Purchase Indiangrass - Lometa

      Indiangrass - Lometa



      Indiangrass is a warm-season perennial bunch grass native to North America. It grows 36 to 84 inches high and changes color throughout the year from blue-green during the growing season to golden tan at maturity. Indiangrass requires full sun and prefers acidic to alkaline soils. It is highly palatable to all classes of livestock and can be suitable for grazing and hay when properly managed. Heavy grazing can cause Indiangrass to decrease.  Proper stocking rates and grazing strategies, such as rotational grazing, is advised. Indiangrass provides good nesting cover for quail and turkey and provides fawn cover. It is considered a highly desirable tall grass and is commonly referred to as one of the big four prairie grasses along with little bluestem, switchgrass, and big bluestem.  Indiangrass responds well to prescribed burning during late winter. 

      Lometa Indiangrass was released from the James E. "Bud" Smith Plant Materials Center in Knox City, Texas. Lometa is adapted to most soil types in Texas in areas that receive at least 22 inches of rainfall per year.


      Common Name: Indiangrass
      Variety: Lometa
      Genus: Sorghastrum
      Species: nutans
      Origin: North America


      Longevity: Perennial
      Season: Warm



      Rate Per Acre: 4.5
      Planting Dates: 12/1 - 6/1
      Seeds Per Pound: 170,000.
      Bushel Weight: 22