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    Wildflower Seed

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    Wildflower Seed Product Table

    Common Name Variety Scientific Name Origin Longevity Season Planting Date Planting Rate Per Acre # Seeds Per Pound
    Showy Evening Primrose Oenothera Speciosa Oenothera speciosa North America Perennial Cool 9/1 - 4/1 1 3,200,000
    Showy Milkweed   Asclepias speciosa North America Perennial Warm   8 70,000
    Spotted Beebalm Monarda punctata Monarda punctata North America Annual Warm 9/1 - 4/1 3 1,472,000
    Tahoka Daisy Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Machaeranthera tanacetifolia North America Annual Cool 9/1 - 4/1 5 496,000
    Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis Lupinus texensis North America Annual Cool 9/1 - 11/1 25 16,000
    White Yarrow Achillea Millefolium Achillea millefolium North America Perennial Cool 9/1 - 4/1 1 2,800,000
    Wild Bergamot Bee Balm Monarda fistulosa North America Perennial Warm 9/1 - 4/1 1 1,463,000
    White Prairie Clover Native Dalea candida North America Perennial Warm 12/1 - 6/1 3 275,000
    Common Zinnia Lilliput Mix Zinnia elegans Introduced Annual Warm 9/1 - 4/1 9